Minerva Risk Advisors


Helping you understand risk better

Minerva Re

Helping you understand risk better

The MRe Promise

We strive to bring experience, innovation and excellent results in the partnership

The MRe Promise

We strive to bring experience, innovation and excellent results in the partnership

About Us

Minerva Re offers distinct client value as an integrated reinsurance broker and capital advisor to insurance risk taking organisations. Reinsurance is a critical and cheaper source of capital, which helps insurance companies underwrite risks profitably, while preserving and enhancing capital strength and ratings. As the regional leading treaty and facultative reinsurance broker, Minerva Re is uniquely positioned to offer market-leading advice enriched by our analytical and technical services to help our clients meet their objectives.
The larger reinsurance broker with 81% of current brokered reinsurance premiums
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The top 10 insurance companies' reinsurance programmes are placed through Minerva
First reinsurance broker in Zimbabwe with over 25 years of experience
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Products We

We provide treaty, facultative and alternative risk transfer solutions in the following main business classes:

Products We

Our Life product portfolio includes the following:

Products We Provide

We provide treaty, facultative and alternative risk transfer solutions

We provide treaty, facultative and alternative risk transfer solutions

Treaty Reinsurance

Addresses underwriting and capital objectives on a portfolio level.

Facultative Reinsurance

Useful in managing exposures which may exceed the per-risk capacity.

Claims Advisory

Minimize the negative impact of claims on revenue and profitability.